
the story of 420

The story of 420

There are all sorts of myths and legends about the name of the international day of celebrating marijuana. The answer varies, according to who you ask. Some might insist that it’s related to Hitler’s birthday. While others point to Bob Dylan’s multiplication of those numbers. Or maybe it really does come from the total number […]

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Canada weed laws 2021

Canada made history by becoming the largest country in the world to fully legalize adult-use cannabis on October 17, 2018, and the opportunities for retail-focused entrepreneurs are vast. Monthly sales passed $270 million in October of 2020, and continue to grow. Despite the pandemic, Canadian cannabis sales reached $3.25 billion in 2020, surpassing all expectations.

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Weed drug test

Weed drug test

While NORML strongly opposes drug use on the job, we think no one should be forced to submit to urine testing, especially for marijuana. Aside from launching a legal challenge, your best defense against urine testing is to be clean. Unfortunately, this may be difficult since urine tests may detect marijuana 1-5 days after an

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marijuana allergy

Can you be allergic to weed? Marijuana allergy symptoms

With symptoms of an anaphylactic type of reaction, seek immediate emergency medical care. These reactions can be life-threatening and need to be treated fast. Cannabis sativa (hemp) is a plant that thrives in diverse environmental conditions. It is used as industrial hemp (low THC cultivars) in manufacturing of yarn, fiber, installation and rope. Hempseed is

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what is moonrocks

What is Moonrocks?

Nugs of cannabis flower dipped in extracts and rolled in kief. Moon rocks are typically high in THC, averaging more than 50%, and valued foremost for their potency. Moon Rocks are also frequently referred to as “cannabis caviar,” although this title is technically reserved for nugs dipped in extracts, without the added layer of kief. 

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