The development of today’s society is constantly changing the market and the perception of the modern world. With that fast forward effect, many controversial trends are not even considered taboo anymore: one of them is marijuana consumption.
Cannabis is a unique psychoactive plant linked to many medicinal and therapeutic benefits. However, like everything, uncontrolled and reckless usage of this controversial herb causes unwanted effects; hence, legalizing it required a couple of decades alongside constant research.
Today, marijuana consumption is slowly becoming fully legal in certain parts of the world, producing a whole new market on the global scene.
Now, you’ve all heard that cliche discussing how lazy stoners can be. This point isn’t necessarily valid, referring to that not all stereotypes are accurate. However, even regular stoners want and need to work, but not all job positions are suitable. Well, we can happily state that cannabis enthusiasts can easily find a job that would fit their lifestyle, especially today.
Jobs For Stoners

1.Marijuana Delivery or Dispensary Jobs
As simple as it gets, the first advice is to look for employment in the Marijuana Dispensary or Delivery Services since it’s the primary sector of the Cannabis Industry.
Weed lovers that want to put a smile on people’s faces every day consider getting a job as a Marijuana Delivery Driver as long as you have a driver’s license and live in a state where cannabis is legal.
Working at a Marijuana Delivery Service is one of the most common jobs regarding the subject merely anyone can do. Still, most driver jobs require the individual to be at least 21 years old and forbid any marijuana consumption during work hours.
However, for those of you who search for more stationary jobs, look up the nearest Marijuana Dispensary, and check which positions they have available. Graphic Designers, Security, Cash Register, Cleaning, Dispensary, and Inventory Managers are only some of many jobs these establishments offer.
Make sure you do the right research, explore all your options, and personally talk to the Store Managers to find a job that suits your preferences, abilities, and interests.
Those of you who possess entrepreneur abilities can try and open their own Marijuana Dispensary Shops; just be careful since opening up your shop is very risky if you don’t do it right. However, try and follow some advised steps to enter this sphere of business cautiously:
- Collect all necessary paperwork and apply for a business license. You can look up all the needed documents online.
- It is essential to Keep up to date with all regular law regulations and compliances that get updated all the time.
- Hire only responsible and outgoing drivers for your Cannabis Couriers
- Delivery Dispatch is essential since its the part of the company that coordinates all orders
- Customer Support and Software are equally important as any other department in the establishment since it’s oriented directly toward customers.
Also, coming up with a different, creative, and innovative concept will differentiate your shop from others, so invest a lot of time in the actual idea and organization.
Whether you are looking to get employed or want to open your own establishment pursuing a job in this specific part of the cannabis industry shouldn’t be hard since the weed market just keeps evolving.
2.Edibles Chef

We’re sure most of you heard about cannabis-infused edibles. What are they? Edibles are food products cooked with weed, which, when ingested, release those famous psychoactive abilities and produce a unique trip. It is needless to say that food and weed go well together because of the munchies and elevated hunger.
Now, those of you who cook professionally and already worked as chefs should consider cooking with cannabis. Edible Chef is a brand new job since it became popular after the not so distant cannabis legalization. Most cooks really love and even live their job, so mixing up both your hobby and passion will probably be adequate for food loving individuals plus, we’re sure you can try your own work.
However, we must state that these kinds of Chefs need more skills than just knowing how to cook. Producing or making a quality edible requires a lot of experimenting to get to the optimal product; hence patience, love towards food and weed, responsibility, and precision are needed. If you can learn quickly and continuously work on improvement and hard work, progress will come with ease alongside a pretty hefty salary.
Also, those of you who don’t possess the knowledge and the needed experience can take one of the popular courses created specially for Edible Cooks.
3.Creative Jobs
Recent research and numerous stoner experiences say that THC boosts creative levels rewiring your brain to think and work differently. If you want to get high and work simultaneously, consider looking up jobs related to writing( professional bloggers and content writers), photographing, art, music, or similar activities.
Also, graphic designers and creative directors are trendy today since the number of comparable jobs keeps growing.
Next, music sounds different when high, and a significant number of famous musicians are, in fact, stoners.
Cannabis is known to cause elevated feelings of relaxation and inspiration, so try it out and play your favorite instrument high.
Although this is off-topic, most successful sportsmen and sports enthusiasts state that the recreational use of marijuana helps their muscles relax, offering proof that cannabis consumption is highly beneficial for both body and brain.
4.Budtender and CoffeeShop Workers
These jobs are exponentially blooming in the Netherlands, the Czech Republic, Spain, and the USA. Budtenders are individuals in charge of providing customers with the desired strain or helping them choose the right herb. Most budtenders need to pass specific Medical courses and gain Cannabis knowledge to do the job correctly.
When it comes to this specific type of work, there isn’t much discussion as long as you love both coffee and herb. You can even invent unique coffee tastes that go well with specific strains. Again, creativity is essential to differentiate you from the crowd of similar shops.
5.Freelance and Self-Employment Jobs

Freelancing jobs are not directly connected to the cannabis world. So how are freelancers and weed connected? This specific type of work allows an individual to sleep, work, and eat whenever, as long as you can organize your time right.
Besides the flexible work schedule, you can smoke the herb whenever you find the time. Another perk is that no drug tests are needed since you’re your own boss.
However, sites offering freelancing jobs are overcrowded with both work and very successful individuals. You’ll need to elevate and upgrade your skills all the time, whether it’s programming, content writing, SEO, etc. since only responsible and self-disciplined individuals will get the chance to prove themselves.
Working as a freelancer isn’t all fun and games, but it goes well with stoners, herb lovers and any part of the cannabis community.
6.Pizza Delivery
Pizza and weed go very well together, and this is a fact. Getting a job as a pizza delivery guy might be the right thing for almost all weed lovers since many restaurants provide free pizza for their workers, which is perfect for stoners. However, smoking and driving aren’t recommended, especially in the states where combining these two is considered illegal.
Pizza Delivery Driving is a merely relaxing job as long as you check your local laws and requirements.
7. Entertainment industry
Stoners are also suitable for working in the entertainment industry. It’s an industry with many different jobs, so you will easily find one right for you. For example, you can always become a part of High Thoughts team and help entertain other stoners.
8. Vending machine refill supplier
Next job on the list of best stoner jobs is a supplier for vending machines. It’s another job, where you’re most of the time alone, so there’s no one to snitch on you. On top of that, when the munchies hit, you can just grab a candy bar off the back of the truck. This job gets even better if you’re a supplier for marijuana vending machine!
9. Web developer
Another career perfect for a stoner is a web developer. Firstly, because work is not physically exhausting. And secondly, as a web developer, you encounter obstacles on regular basis and quite often, smoking a joint can help to see the problem from a different perspective. On the plus side, being stoned while programming helps you zone out the rest of the world and background noises. Therefore, you are faster at finding solutions.
10. Dog Walker
If you’re a stoner and you like pets, being a dog walker is perfect for you! It’s another profession where you don’t have to be in contact with people. Therefore, no one will give you a bad look if you light one while working. Also, petting a dog after smoking one seems to be way more satisfying.
11. Gardener
Lastly on the list of best stoner jobs is a gardener. The biggest upside (if you’re a nature lover) is that you get to be in nature all the time. Also, as a gardener, you get to know the basics of botany, which makes you a better potential weed grower.
Hopefully, you found at least one of the stoner jobs appealing and right for you. If you have any other prepositions what jobs would be perfect for stoners, leave a comment below.
White Collar Jobs That Don’t Drug Test

Unless you’re going to be working for a mega-corporation that has mandated testing throughout all of its companies, you can often find high-paying jobs with tremendous responsibility without worrying about urine or blood test results. After all, who would imagine that the hard-driving boss in a suit and tie, who’s the first in the office and the last to leave, is actually a stoner?
- Managerial positions: We’re not just talking about getting a 50¢ raise to be a “manager” at McDonald’s. Statisticbrain did a comprehensive survey that found only 1-2% of company general managers, business managers, project managers, retail managers, and office managers had to be drug tested – and their median salaries ranged from $40,000 to nearly $100,000.
- IT jobs: If you believe the stereotypes, most IT guys and girls would be turned down for jobs if they had to first pass a test for weed. Employers must believe that too since only about 3% of developers, web designers and IT consultant positions require drug testing.
- Positions in “creative” departments: Companies apparently believe it’s better not to ask where all that creativity comes from; fewer than 4% of graphic designers, marketing staff, artists, and copywriters are drug tested before being hired.
- Financial and related services: Nearly anyone can work in real estate without taking a drug test, while only a few percents of insurance agents and loan processors have to pee or give blood. It’s only employees at major banks that are more at risk.
- Freelancing: Whether you’re a writer, programmer, developer, photographer, event planner or bookkeeper, working freelance can provide a number of benefits that make your personal life your own. Deciding not to give yourself a drug test just happens to be one of those benefits.
- Entertainment: Many skilled employees, from screenwriters and producers to makeup artists and stagehands, can find work without being subjected to a drug test. Again, it often depends whether you’re working for a large conglomerate, a small indie company or as a freelancer – and whether you’re working in a professional environment or touring with a band. If you’re one of the performers? It’s almost expected that you’ll come up dirty.
Blue Collar and Unskilled Jobs That Don’t Drug Test
Unfortunately and unfairly, blue-collar workers and those without a specific skill are much more likely to be forced to take a drug test before being hired. Skilled factory workers and even union employees are often put under the microscope these days. We won’t bother speculating on the reasons; our guess is probably the same as yours.
In any event, here are jobs you might want to consider if you’re not ready to give up the green in order to earn some green.
- Restaurant and food industry: Fast food chains hardly ever bother making you take a drug test, even though some claim that they do. On the other hand, you’re more likely to be handed a cup or be sent to a lab before some of the major “family” sit-down restaurants will hire you as a server. Standalone or local chain restaurants usually don’t test, even for higher-level jobs like chefs and managers, either because they can’t afford to or they don’t want to drive away qualified employees.
- Beauty industry: The majority of salons and spas don’t test their employees. In fact, many stylists, nail techs, massage therapists, and estheticians work as freelancers so employers don’t even worry about whether they’re clean.
- Day labor and temp jobs: This is really up to the client who’s using the temp agency to obtain workers, but if you’re being hired for seasonal or short-term work there’s a much better chance you’ll escape untested.
- Locally-owned businesses: Small mom-and-pop shops are much less inclined to spend money on drug tests for their clerks, drivers and other employees, so they’re a great place to apply.
- “Unskilled” positions: Avoiding dog bites and oncoming traffic are certainly skills, but jobs like dog-walking and pizza delivery fall into this umbrella category, as do groundskeepers and custodians (lawnmowers and janitors to the politically incorrect). The more menial the job or the less experience it requires, the less likely you are to be tested.
If you’ve looked at ads or job postings recently, you know that it’s become common for companies that require a drug test to disclose that fact in advance. Your best bet before applying for a job is to read those ads carefully, and poke around online (Google searches will often lead you to information about specific employers and their testing policies). That can save you a lot of wasted interview time – time you could have spent “relaxing” at home.
- First and foremost, take your time and think through your preferences and interests while looking for a job.
- Next, look up available employment in your place and inform yourself of the job description.
- Then, go there personally and talk to the manager.
- Some of them allow marijuana consumption on the job since certain positions and companies are weed friendly while others require a bright mind; hence no smoking is permitted.
- Keep in mind that this list of jobs for stoners is not definitive, meaning you can also work in accounting, packing, marketing, administration, and even the actual production of marijuana ( if you have the education and experience). Those of you who don’t possess proper knowledge, don’t worry since there are various courses online and in certified facilities, which only take a couple of months to finish.
Well knowen that regular stoners are a big part of the weed-loving community, and some might have difficulties when looking for employment because of that infamous hobby. Whether you are a recreational or a regular user, there is the right job position for you.
Cannabis experts looking for high paying jobs shouldn’t have trouble finding a suitable position since the weed market is continuously improving, offering a lot of expert positions as long as you live in a country or a state where weed is legal or decriminalized.
My friend owned a floor maintenance business, this was years ago, and we did K Mart floors at night, locked in with a couple K Mart workers, stoners more often than not, and this job was great. Partied every night, I mean on breaks we would go to our spot and smoke down. Three or four of us meant more to pass around. Never did get caught by security. The work kept me in excellent shape and the fact that there’s no bosses was a bonus.