
myrcene effects

What is Myrcene

Myrcene, also sometimes called beta myrcene, is a monoterpene and a significant component of numerous plants and fruits. These include cannabis, ylang-ylang, bay, parsley, wild thyme, lemongrass, hops,cardamom, and the mango fruit. While myrcene is present in many plants, commercial production comes from beta-pinene, another terpene found primarily in turpentine. Myrcene is notable as the

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whats a spliff

What is a Spliff?

If you’re new to cannabis culture, you probably already know what joints and blunts are, but you may not have heard of a spliff. Here you’ll learn what a spliff is, how the spliff got its name, and the possible benefits and drawbacks of smoking a spliff. Spliff definition Similar to a joint rolled in white cigarette paper, a

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entourage effect

Is the Cannabis Entourage Effect Real?

Whether you’re a seasoned cannasseur or a newbie to the herb, you’ve probably heard about the entourage effect. This phenomenon refers to the synergy that takes place when THC, CBD, minor cannabinoids, and terpenes work together to provide health benefits. This is also frequently referred to as “whole-plant medicine” or “whole-plant synergy,” and it rests

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