
Vape tricks

Vaping has gained mainstream popularity during the last couple years. Aside from proven facts that vape mods possess potentially less harmful properties than traditional cigarettes and marijuana, some people use it for entertaining reasons — one can perform various cool vape tricks that include: the Ghost Inhale, Dragon, Waterfall, Vapor Bubble, Tornado, French Inhale, Blowing […]

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Smoking Games

If you are a frequent or even a semi-regular marijuana user, you’ve definitely had your fair share of good times. Smoking alone is fine, but it is always better when you do it with friends. For instance, I will remember my friend Declan’s impersonation of Jimmy Somerville singing Smalltown Boy until the day I die! The thing

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Dime of weed

In states with legalized marijuana, most weed is measured in grams or ounces. There are eighths, quarters, halves and full ounces. Before weed was legal, code terms were assigned to different quantities of cannabis to keep things discreet. The terminology still lives on to this day as a part of the culture. Dealers in states

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Can you Dab Weed

When people hear the term “dabbing,” they might initially think of the dance move that is believed to have originated in the Atlanta rap scene and was later popularized by football star, Cam Newton, who made “the dab” his signature touchdown celebration. But the word dabbing also has a darker side. In marijuana culture, dabbing

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What’s Shatter weed

Contents Shatter is a brittle, glass-like cannabis extract named for its breakability. It has a glassy appearance and tends to break, or shatter, like glass when snapped in two. Like other cannabis concentrates, shatter is a favorite among dabbing enthusiasts. Properly cured shatter comes from a careful and unrushed manufacturing process. What is shatter? Shatter is an extract,

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