
arizona marijuana license

Arizona marijuana Laws 2021

Marijuana Legalization Update: Early 2021 Legislative Developments In November 2020, voters in five states (Arizona, Mississippi, Montana, New Jersey, and South Dakota) voted in favor of legalizing medical and/or recreational marijuana. Since then, there have been several developments within the marijuana legalization world that employers may want to keep an eye on as they move forward in

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what are cannabinoids

What are cannabinoids?

A chemical compound found in cannabis and produced by the human body that interacts with our bodies’ receptors. Endocannabinoids, or internally produced cannabinoids, are an essential component of our bodies’ endocannabinoid system (ECS), which is largely responsible for maintaining internal balance. Phytocannabinoids, or marijuana cannabinoids produced by the cannabis plant, mimic the functions of our

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Hemp vs Marijuana

Hemp vs Marijuana

The difference between hemp vs marijuana is a subject that is all to often improperly explained. As demand for CBD continues to skyrocket, the CBD industry has developed into a unique market that is independent, yet still closely related to the Cannabis industry, including its controversial reputation and shifting legalities. Due to the confusion and

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Sinsemilla. Marijuana without Seeds

Sinsemilla’s cultivation utilizes the controlled application of essential, life-sustaining elements such as energy and nutritional cycles that promote plant health and growth. We pride ourselves in being a boutique style dispensary, proving out patients with premium products from growers all over the state of Maine. A Spanish term meaning “seedless,” sinsemilla refers to cannabis grown without

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