A bottle bong is a device that can be used to smoke marijuana. You need a plastic bottle, some water, and something like an old sock. The process of making one takes about 10 minutes and can be done in your home with common household items.
What is a bottle bong?
The purpose of the device is to cool down the smoke before it enters your lungs which makes it easier on you, but also allows for more hits. А bottle bong is a device that can be used to smoke marijuana.
These devices are made from the same materials as any other homemade smoking pipe; they consist of two main parts – the neck of the alcohol container (to hold weed) and its opening (the mouthpiece). The height of this simple tube affects how much THC you’ll get into your system when using it: if you use less air while inhaling, there will be more tar delivered to your throat because not all THC binds with carbon dioxide during combustion so most of it will be released as the smoke (vapor) travels through.
How to make a bottle of bong
How materials needed for bottle bong:
– a bottle, preferably with threads on the inside.
– something to scrape THC resin off of glassware (a knife or razor blade should do).
– lighter fluid (or hand sanitizer) and scissors if you want to make it now.
A simple tube is used for this type of device which affects how much THC you get into your system when using it: if you use less air while inhaling, there will be more tar delivered to your throat because not all THC binds with carbon dioxide during combustion so most of it will be released as the smoke (vapor) travels through.
To make a bong, just cut off its neck and insert it into the bottle’s opening. Now put some water in there and light up! It is advisable to use lighter fluid or hand sanitizer instead of alcohol because they are more flammable.

To clean it out, just empty the bottle’s content and rinse with water. Alcohol is not recommended for cleaning because some of the THC will bind to any cleaner residue in there which does not completely evaporate so when you smoke from a bong that has been used before, there will be less effective than normal.
If you don’t have these materials lying around but still want an at-home bong hit, try using a plastic soda bottle instead! They are both easy as pie to cut open and modify for use without any tools needed whatsoever. Just be careful when handling them because they can break so easily!
How to make a bong using a plastic soda bottle:
Find your drink of choice and get it ready for consumption before we proceed. It’s time to cut open the plastic soda bottle on one side so it looks like an upside-down letter “V” with two sections still connected at the top (basically think about how to draw a line through something). I find scissors are best for this because they can easily help us make clean cuts without any jagged edges which could be harmful when inhaling smoke later. Start by cutting the top section of the “V” off from one side and then cut open a straight line down to where you want your bottle bong’s opening to be. Hold both sides of what`s left of the plastic soda bottle with enough space between them for your mouth, make sure it will fit well! The first time I did this was on accident and my lips were pressed against the inside bottom rim which would’ve been incredibly uncomfortable when inhaling smoke so don’t do that! Cut two small holes in opposite ends (I prefer putting mine closer to the top) about an inch apart or less as long as they’re far away from each other. You can use scissors if you want but a knife also works. This is to let you pour smoke into the bottle bong. Pour a small amount of water in one end to cover your holes and push down on top so it covers both sides well (don’t worry, there will be more).

Put something over the other hole as some form of protection like rolling up a piece of paper or putting another plastic soda bottle lid just to make sure they’re not too tight! You don’t want any pressure put on that side when inhaling because if smoke can’t get out then neither should anything else, including air from your lungs which is a very important and natural process for life. Light Up Weed – I prefer using joints but pipes also work great with this project; roll up weed tightly enough that you can get a decent hit, but not so tight that it seems like there’s no room for smoke to fit Draw on your joint and inhale – Blow the smoke out as hard as possible into the bottle bong. This is how long it takes for me to empty my lungs of air: inhale, exhale, inhale, exhale; if I don’t stop after two seconds then I’m basically taking too much time and should just light up another one because this method will only work with one hit from each joint or pipe. Put mouth around another hole instead of hand over top (I usually cover mine with a shirt). Take a deep breath while holding it before pulling away when you feel.
Pros and cons of using a bottle bong vs just smoking out of the bottle
Pros: A bottle bong is easy to make and you can get it ready in a few minutes. Another pro of using the bottle bong is that you do not have to worry about spilling or making a mess while smoking from one since all smoke goes through water before reaching your mouth. The last pro for the bottle bong is how cheap they are
Cons: One downside of this method would be that some people might find it hard to take large hits off the neck of a plastic bottle with no filter (which means more coughing). It also does not look as cool if your friends see you go outside just to use an old soda bottle instead of rolling up something nice on parchment paper like cigarette smokers. This should only be used in emergencies where you need to smoke and cannot find anything else.
I’m most proud of a bucket bong I made. I also once made a bong with a plastic juice bottle, an apple and a pen. Surprisingly effective! And it only took 10 minutes to make.