March 2021

dr dabber switch

Everything you need to know about the Dr. Dabber Switch vaporizer

A dab rig and flower vape all in one handheld vaporizer, the Dr. Dabber Switch offers convenience for newbies and dabbing veterans alike.  The relatively compact set-up is a streamlined luxury item for those who are used to more precarious rigs, and it’s easy enough for first-time dabbers to use without any problems. The main […]

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Airvape X Review

The AirVape X is a mid-tier weed vape that features a ceramic oven and mouthpiece, precise temp control, and an informative LED display. It offers a decent-level of discretion and portability while providing good tasting vapor. There are also useful accessories (silicone mouth tip & X Shell), which provides great value for its size. All

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What is bhang

What is bhang?

Follow these instructions for a simple Bhang Thandai recipe. Firstly, place two cups of water in pan on stovetop and bring to boil. Add chopped cannabis leaves and flowers to boiling water and remove from heat. Cover and leave to soak for 10 minutes. Strain to remove the plant material and set liquid aside. Now,

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can dogs get high

Can dogs get high?

What Can Happen if Your Dog Eats Weed? It was supposed to be a fun, carefree weekend. Sarah was hosting friends from out of town at her home in Nashville, and one of them had surprised the group with gummy edibles purchased in California. The visit took a turn, however, when Sarah’s 3-pound Pomeranian-Chihuahua mix,

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how long does cannabis stay in your system

How long does cannabis stay in your system?

Marijuana, also known as weed, pot, or ganja, is a medicinal plant of the Cannabis family. It contains a psychoactive compound known as tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) that has major intoxicating effects. The leaves, seeds, stems, or roots, are mainly used for intoxication purposes. Marijuana preparations are usually smoked in pipes, joints, or water pipes (bongs). Marijuana

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