Cannabis Wiki

myrcene effects

What is Myrcene

Myrcene, also sometimes called beta myrcene, is a monoterpene and a significant component of numerous plants and fruits. These include cannabis, ylang-ylang, bay, parsley, wild thyme, lemongrass, hops,cardamom, and the mango fruit. While myrcene is present in many plants, commercial production comes from beta-pinene, another terpene found primarily in turpentine. Myrcene is notable as the

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whats a spliff

What is a Spliff?

If you’re new to cannabis culture, you probably already know what joints and blunts are, but you may not have heard of a spliff. Here you’ll learn what a spliff is, how the spliff got its name, and the possible benefits and drawbacks of smoking a spliff. Spliff definition Similar to a joint rolled in white cigarette paper, a

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