The vast majority of marijuana detoxes seek to flush the body of any detectable THC. These kits include capsules, chewable tablets, drinks, shampoos, and even mouthwashes to help you pass a saliva test.
However, if a drug test is your concern, detoxes can have additional effects that can make your urine sample look suspicious.
“Cleanses and teas can lower THC levels through their diuretic properties. They make individuals urinate a lot, which technically washes out the kidneys,” said Rossetti.
“This flushing of the kidneys can lower the specific gravity or density of the urine,” he added, “and a low specific gravity indicates contamination on the test, and the specimen could be discounted.”
Also, cleanses and teas may alter the amount of creatinine in the urine, another measure that drug tests look at. Abnormal creatinine levels can indicate contamination, according to Rossetti. This means the tester could assume that you attempted to cheat on your drug test.
While that doesn’t mean a positive test, it does mean the sample is unacceptable, and you’ll likely have to take the test again.
How long THC sticks around
THC can be detected in your blood, urine, and even in your fat cells. The length of time THC remains detectable in the body depends on several factors, including:
- metabolism and eating habits
- exercise routine
- body fat percentage
- frequency and quantity of marijuana use
Because of all these factors, there is no single standard detection time. Some estimate it can stick around for anywhere from two days to several months.
Cannabinoid metabolites can remain detectable in urine even after long periods of abstinence. One studyTrusted Source found traces of one metabolite, delta 1-THC, in urine as long as four weeks after use.
Fat cells
THC builds up in fat tissue, and from there slowly spreads to the blood. According to a 2013 studyTrusted Source, exercise can cause THC to be released from your fat stores and into your blood.
THC can remain detectableTrusted Source in your blood for as long as seven days, depending on how frequently you use marijuana. Someone who smokes marijuana daily will likely carry marijuana metabolites for longer than someone who smokes infrequently.
What is a weed detox?
A detox is the process of cleansing the body of something, in this case weed or THC, and involves abstaining from that substance. By abstaining from consuming cannabis, the body is able to flush THC from its system.
This process may be simple for some and difficult for others; it often depends on how heavily you’ve been consuming cannabis and whether or not you were doing so for medical purposes.
For heavy and/or medical consumers especially, the marijuana detox process may give rise to unpleasant symptoms, some of which include:
- Irritability
- Headaches
- Depression
- Anxiety
- Decreased appetite
- Insomnia
There’s some debate over whether or not these effects can be considered withdrawal symptoms, or rather simply a result of discontinuing a medicine that once helped alleviate the aforementioned discomforts.
What is the fastest way to detox for a drug test?
There’s a lot of bunk information out there with quick fixes for detoxing. Most are bogus and will not accomplish results. Some faulty “fast” weed detox methods to avoid include:
- Cranberry juice
- Detox teas
- Vinegar
- Niacin detox
- Bleach (do not, under any circumstances, ingest bleach)
Most quick fix methods are based in myth and should not be trusted. Don’t default to questionable and unreliable methods. If you’re wondering how to pass a drug test for cannabis without taking a cleansing break, know that detoxification is a lengthy process. No vitamin, juice, tea, or chemical will magically flush the body of cannabis overnight or in a short period of time.

How long does it take to detox from weed?
THC can be present in urine for anywhere between a couple days to 30 days. Urine, blood, hair, and saliva can all be tested for THC, but most tests are done on urine.
How long weed stays in your system depends on a lot of factors, mainly:
- How much you regularly consume
- How much body fat you have
- Your metabolism rate
- Exercise and eating habits
People who smoke less, exercise more, have a higher metabolism, and less body fat will get rid of THC in their bodies quicker.
Regardless of the above criteria, you can increase the rate at which THC leaves your body by eating healthy, exercising, and drinking plenty of water.
What is detoxification?
Detoxification is the removal of a toxic substance from the body, either by some outside means or waiting for a drug to clear the bloodstream on its own. In general, it is healthier and safer to allow the THC from marijuana to leave the body unassisted, as opposed to toxic drugs such as cocaine or heroin for which there are medications to facilitate detoxification.

How long does it take to detox from THC?
The psychoactive effects of THC may last fewer than two hours, but the compound or its byproducts, called THC metabolites, can remain in the body for a significant amount of time — 30 days or longer by most accounts. This lengthy residence makes detoxing from THC a challenge, but let’s consider the most common methods used to manipulate THC levels and eliminate cannabis products from the body.
Does exercise help to detox from THC?
If you have ever practiced hot yoga, you have probably heard your instructors talking about sweating out toxins. While this notion is debatable, you may wonder if vigorous exercise and breaking a sweat can cause THC to leave the body through the pores.
Dr. Adie Rae, a neuroscientist at the Legacy Research Institute in Portland, Oregon, and a scientific adviser to Weedmaps, weighed in, “Exercise can release stored THC from adipose (fat) tissue. Theoretically, exercise might help to speed up the detox process, but perhaps only marginally (28 days instead of 30). There is no scientific evidence showing that exercising can speed up the detox process and help you pass a drug test sooner than you would have without exercise.”
In terms of body fat, individuals with less are not as likely to store THC metabolites due to a faster metabolism. However, a person of any bodyweight may still show traces of the cannabinoid in blood and/or urine, especially if they are daily marijuana users.
Do detox drinks remove THC from the body?
Detox drinks such as cranberry juice or green tea may seem like good solutions to flush THC out of your system, but can they literally remove the cannabinoid? Not exactly.
Rather, Dr. Rae explained, “When it comes to passing a drug screen, ‘detox drinks’ don’t actually remove THC from the body or urine. Instead, they trick the laboratory test by artificially loading up the urine sample with vitamins and proteins like creatinine… it’s like adding sugar to coffee. Adding sugar doesn’t change the amount of bitter compounds in your cup, it just masks them, tricking your brain into thinking it’s less bitter.”
Been smoking for 7 months just stopped today, might have a test in a few weeks for another job I’m probably fucked..