Nothing is a bigger tell-tale sign of an indoor smoking session than the lingering aroma of cannabis smoke. Whether you live in a weed-legal neighborhood or not, being discreet and respectful only serves you in the long run.

The simplest thing to do is to blow smoke out the window, but that doesn’t prevent it from traveling back inside, or eliminate the inconvenience of sticking your whole head out a window. Thankfully, a handy device exists that minimizes cannabis odor and keeps things stink-free. It’s called a sploof.
A sploof is a cylindrical object that filters cannabis smoke through a set of perforated materials. The device uses a filtering material, such as a dryer sheet, to remove smoke and odor particles from smoke blown into it.
The cannabis world offers up several professional-grade varieties of the original sploof, such as the Smokebuddy. However, these can run upwards of $50 and require frequent replacement of the activated carbon filter.
Never fear, you can create a sploof out of a few objects you most likely have lying around the house. With a little effort, you can consume your cannabis and significantly reduce the levels of rogue terpenes in the air. Read on to learn how to make a proper homemade sploof.
Supplies to make a sploof
You can create a sploof using a variety of materials. It all depends on your budget, your particular filtering needs, and the desired longevity of your sploof.
All sploofs function using the same principles: a closed-off tube with holes on both sides filled with filtering material. The filtering material is key, as this is what traps the canna-stink. Many DIY sploof-makers build their sploofs using dryer sheets, while others who want a longer-lasting filter opt for activated charcoal.
You also have multiple options for the tube itself. A plastic bottle serves as a sturdier, longer-lasting sploof frame, while others opt for a cardboard toilet paper roll in a pinch. Despite the variety of materials, you’ll need the following elements to create your sploof:
- Cardboard toilet paper roll or plastic bottle, regardless of size
- Scissors or a knife
- A rubber band, string, or some tape
- Scented dryer sheets or activated charcoal
The Ultimate Guide To Making A Sploof
A sploof is an essential piece of kit to keep your smoking sessions on the down-low. They are easy and cheap to make, and work to filter out the smell of cannabis when you exhale
Are you having trouble with anti-cannabis neighbours? Or perhaps your landlord isn’t a fan of the herb. Of course, one option is to simply abide by the rules and find a suitable outdoor spot to enjoy getting stoned—a much safer option if possible eviction is in the cards. On the other hand, cannabis really is a medicine, and if braving the cold temperatures of winter doesn’t appeal to you in order to get medicated, then we have an option for you: a sploof.
A sploof is a DIY piece of kit that acts to filter the scent of cannabis from flooding a room when smoking. Sploofs are extremely easy to make and are mostly forged out of items that can be found lying around the house.
In essence, a sploof is a tube with a filter on one end. Upon taking a hit from a bong or joint, the smoker exhales into the open end of the tube, filtering the smoke and preventing it from causing suspicious smells from arising within the residence. Below is a guide on how to construct your own cannabis concealing device.
Making a sploof won’t exactly drain your wallet; in fact, most of the equipment needed is most likely already within your house. Just check the kitchen cupboards and have a fish through the recycling bin. To make a sploof, you will need:

- Cardboard toilet paper roll or plastic bottle of any size
- Pair of sharp scissors or knife/blade
- Rubber band, piece of string, or some type of tape
- Scented dryer sheets to banish unwanted aromas
Now that you have obtained all of the essential items required, it’s time to build the sploof from scratch.
Step 1 will vary depending upon the piece of equipment you’ve elected to use. If you are using a plastic bottle, begin by cutting the top ⅓ off and discard the bottom ⅔. If you are using a cardboard toilet roll, no modification is required at this stage.
Take your scented dryer sheets and begin packing them into your vessel of choice. The packing doesn’t have to be dense; around 3–4 sheets should do an adequate job of disguising the smell of ensuing cannabis fumes.
Now that your sploof is loaded with scented dryer sheets, it’s time to add the last, most important one. Wrap a dryer sheet over one end of your sploof. If you’re using a toilet paper tube, it doesn’t really matter which end you choose to do this to. If you are using a bottle, place the sheet over the wider end where you made the initial incision. This will allow you to use the smaller end as a mouthpiece to exhale smoke into, making it more aesthetic as well as functional.
To attach this dryer sheet to the main body of the sploof, use a piece of string or an elastic band. If using a large plastic bottle, you might instead find it easier and more practical to tape this sheet on.
Your sploof is now fully operational, and you can begin to exhale cannabis fumes into it and watch it prevent the skunk from spreading. The next steps are for the perfectionists out there who want to continue to work on their creation and make it visually pleasing.
First, begin by cutting around the edges of the dryer sheet mentioned in step 3 to remove the unnecessary excess. This makes the sploof look much more tidy, and also eliminates the risk of accidentally pulling the dryer sheet out or loosening it.
Now it is time to wrap up our aesthetic campaign with some artistic flare. It’s time to get creative and decorate your sploof. Use pens, paint, tape, and other means to plaster your creation with some happy designs and symbols to gaze at whilst getting blazed.
Never thought I’d see the day where I couldn’t care less if my weed smoke was detected. Those days of burning incense in the dorm room are long gone….now I’ll inhale right in front of a cop, who no longer poses a threat to arrest me over this harmless plant. Thanks God I live in Canada!
Yo! I tried this is my house in the basement and my parents went down and smelt it. It wasn’t the sploof though, it was the smell from the bong. it worked really well. Thanks!