Cannabis Wiki

Weed and depression

Some research suggests that marijuana smokers are diagnosed with depression more often than nonsmokers are — particularly regular or heavy marijuana users. However, it doesn’t appear that marijuana directly causes depression. It’s likely that the genetic, environmental or other factors that trigger depression also lead to marijuana use. Some people with depression may use marijuana […]

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What is wax?

Marijuana wax refers to a potent cannabis concentrate that has been agitated during the extraction process, causing the oil to crystallize and solidify. The consistency and texture of wax can range from gooey or creamy, referred to as budder, to something harder and flaky, known as crumble or honeycomb. Higher-quality waxes tend to be softer and amber-toned.

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Marijuana oil Rig

A pipe designed for vaporizing cannabis concentrates, sometimes referred to as an oil rig, vapor rig, or concentrate pipe. Similarly to a bong, a dab rig filters concentrate vapor through water at the base. In addition to the central piece, dab rigs require a glass, quartz, ceramic, or titanium nail, or banger, to hold or “dab” concentrate, a

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Weed bubbler

A hand-held water pipe. Similar to bongs, a bubbler pipe has a mouthpiece, bowl, stem, and water chamber. Most bubblers have fixed bowls that can not be removed. As the name implies, the bubbler may also contain a percolator that aerates your smoke. Bubblers with fixed bowls feature a carb, or hole, that is used to

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What is tincture weed

What is a cannabis tincture? Cannabis tinctures are alcohol-based cannabis extracts—essentially, cannabis-infused alcohol. In fact, tinctures were the main form of cannabis medicine until the United States enacted cannabis prohibition. They’re a great entry point for both recreational and medical consumers looking to ease into smokeless consumption methods. How to make cannabis tinctures If you

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Hemp oil

Hemp oil, also known as hemp seed oil, is made from hemp, a cannabis plant like the drug marijuana but containing little to no tetrahydrocannabinol (THC), the chemical that gets people “high.” Instead of THC, hemp contains cannabidiol (CBD), a chemical that has been used to treat everything from epilepsy to anxiety. Hemp is increasingly popular as a remedy for a range of

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Hydro weed

Hydroponic weed refers to any cannabis that is grown without the use of soil. Instead of the natural nutrients found in soil, growers will apply their own nutrients throughout the grow process using a variety of growing methods. While hydro grows are usually less likely to attract pests, hydroponic systems can expose the roots to

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Linalool terpene

As you remember, terpenes are compounds found in various plants, including cannabis, that are responsible for providing their smell as well as effects in case of their consumption.  Manufacturers and consumers alike have been paying more and more attention to the terpene profile of a strain or concentrate, and for good reasons. Cannabinoid content – percentage of

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The aromatic compounds found in cannabis, called terpenes, have an increasingly appreciated role in the plant’s medicinal benefits. These terpenes fall into a different class than cannabinoids (e.g., THC, CBD), and perhaps for that reason, have received substantially less research attention. Cannabis produces a wide array of terpenes, but today we’re focusing on linalool due to its emerging therapeutic

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Liquid THC

Like most marijuana products, liquid THC has many names. There’s the hyper-technical tincture of cannabis or marijuana tincture. There’s the more common liquid marijuana or liquid THC. And then there are the myriad and inevitable slang terms like green dragon, mayzack, and tink that always seem to pop up out of nowhere like code names in some spy drama. Regardless of

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