Cannabis Wiki

Bag of weed

Ten dollars worth of weed. This term is often used when buying from dealers in a prohibition state. A dime bag usually contains a single gram, but depending on your seller, you can get more or less for the price. The term ‘dime bags’ has been in use for decades, long before dealers started pricing […]

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Effects of edibles

Marijuana — colloquially called weed — refers to the dried flowers, seeds, stems, and leaves of the Cannabis sativa or Cannabis indica plants. It’s a popular drug used by millions of people either for pleasure or to treat chronic health conditions. Weed can be used in a number of ways, but some of the most popular methods include smoking

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What is simpson oil

Rick Simpson oil (RSO) is a cannabis oil product. It was developed by Rick Simpson, a Canadian medical marijuana activist. RSO differs from a lot of other cannabis oils because it contains higher levels of tetrahydrocannabinol (THC). This is the main psychoactive cannabinoid in marijuana that gets people “high.” Other therapeutic cannabis oils tend to contain a

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Smoking lavender leaves

Most of us have first-hand experience with the benefits the body, mind, and soul each receive from an inhalation of sweet cannabis. In fact, studies show that cannabis acts as a bronchodilator, opening the airway passages and aiding in respiratory health. But the proliferation of chemical-coated, cancer-causing tobacco cigarettes has created a stigma that smoking is bad

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Marijuana herb

Earlier this month, the United States Supreme Court ruled that federal drug laws trump policies in ten states that permit medicinal marijuana use. The decree reignites a smoldering debate among scientists, activists, and lawmakers about how to leverage marijuana’s medical benefits while minimizing its potential for abuse. Known by the scientific name Cannabis sativa, marijuana is an

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Hemp vs Weed

Things to consider The two main types of cannabis, sativa and indica, are used for a number of medicinal and recreational purposes. Sativas are known for their “head high,” an invigorating, energizing effect that can help reduce anxiety or stress and increase creativity and focus. Indicas are typically associated with full-body effects, such as increasing deep

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CBH strains

CBN is a less known cousin from the cannabinoid family. This mysterious organic compound of cannabis, unlike many other cannabinoids, is not developed naturally as the plant grows but is the result of a THC-A degradation process. Both THC-A and CBN-A leave their acidic form and transform into THC and CBN, respectively, when exposed to

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