
What is rosin

What is rosin?

Rosin is a marijuana extract that is free of chemicals and can be inhaled with a regular pipe, dab rig, or vaporizer. Over the past several years, both rosin and rosin presses have been gaining popularity in the cannabis industry, and for good reason. Don’t let the common nickname of the “everyman’s concentrate” fool you […]

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Making Hash

Hashish or just hash, is a potent cannabis concentrate made by extracting the resin from cannabis plants and working and pressing it into solid form. It can take the form of spheres (like Nepalese temple ball hash), bricks or “cakes” like the hash made in North Africa and the Levant, and dark, sticky fingers or

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what is hash

What is Hash?

Hash (hashish) is the resin collected from the flowers of the cannabis plant. The primary active substance is THC (tetrahydrocannabinol) although several other cannabinoids are known to occur. Hash is usually smoked in pipes, water pipes, joints, and hookahs, sometimes mixed with cannabis flowers or tobacco. It can also be eaten. The most common effects

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TCH. What is THC?

You may know of THC (tetrahydrocannabinol) as the element in weed that, well, gets you high. But the compound THC, one of over 400 found in marijuana, is actually more complex than that. So, what is THC and how does it work? Experts weighed in to give TheStreet the latest scoop on THC’s applications.  What

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marijuana for pain

Marijuana for pain

Is marijuana good for pain relief? There is mounting interest among patients and healthcare professionals about the clinical benefits of medical cannabis for various ailments, most commonly for pain relief. Some studies have concluded that medical cannabis may be an alternative for opioids in certain patient populations, while other studies concluded there is insufficient evidence.

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weed for anxiety

Marijuana for anxiety

Does weed treat anxiety and stress? As more states legalize marijuana, both for medicinal and recreational use, more and more people are turning to cannabis in hopes of managing anxiety or generalized anxiety disorder (GAD). Although scientific research in this area is still sparse, there are anecdotal and new scientific reports of marijuana creating a calming experience

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Cannabis high. Different levels of high.

Cannabis high. Different levels of high.

Smoking, ingesting, or vaping marijuana can make you high or “stoned.” If you’ve never tried marijuana, you might wonder what it feels like. Marijuana can have drastically different effects from one person to the next. Some people report feeling happy or relaxed. Others report laughter, altered time and sensory perception, and increased appetite. But marijuana

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